Torrens Connect has entered into an agreement with CrimeStoppers which will see the CrimeStoppers logo and phone number both inside the carriage and on all doors of Adelaide’s tram fleet.

Signs with the CrimeStoppers logo and phone number will also be placed at all tram stops.
The safety and wellbeing of customers is of the utmost importance to Torrens Connect, as is the presentation of our vehicles. While the presence of operators, customer service officers, and security guards all aid to deterring anti-social behaviour, Torrens Connect would like to encourage all of its customers – as members of the Adelaide community – to call out and report harassment, graffiti, vandalism and other crimes – not just that might be witnessed on trams but anywhere.
Crime Stoppers has been operating in South Australia for 25 years and is committed to achieving a safe, empowered and engaged community. It provides people with the opportunity to share information about unsolved crimes and suspicious activity, which can be done anonymously.
“We want our customers to feel safe when travelling on trams,” says Head of Customer Experience Zeena Nauman. “Our operators are focussed on driving which means they can’t always see everything happening in the cabin behind them. We want to remind our customers that they can take action themselves against disorderly behaviour and vandalism.”
CrimeStoppers gives customers another avenue to report illegal or suspicious activity. The prominently placed signage aims to remind customers to speak out and report incidents.
A similar agreement was made late last year between CrimeStoppers and bus operator Torrens Transit which saw signage installed on more than 800 buses.
For matters requiring immediate attention, travelling customers can always contact the tram operator through the onboard emergency intercom or knock on the driver’s cabin door – or call SAPOL on 131 444 or 000.