Sunday, July 5, 2020
Torrens Connect created history in Adelaide this month when its first tram left from the Glengowrie depot.
It was business as usual as Tram Operator David King started the day on the Glenelg-line. Only the on-board presence of Torrens Connect General Manager Magda Robertson and a handful of her team gave any indication that things were slightly different.
“Today was a special occasion for us at Torrens Connect but for our customers it was just business as usual and that’s a good thing,” Ms Robertson said.
“Our customers on that first tram didn’t notice anything different today, and probably won’t tomorrow, but they will see some very positive changes going forward including faster trams, improved reliability and better connectivity.”
WELCOME ABOARD: General Manager Magda Robertson, HR Manager Michelle Glaister and Head of HSQE Chris Cashman on the first tram under the Torrens Connect operation.
The first tram was a low-key event under the new operational partnership with Torrens Connect, UGL and John Holland but the significance wasn’t lost on Ms Robertson and her team.
“It was very significant occasion, not just for us but for the Adelaide community, and I am very excited about the wider journey we’re all going on,” Ms Robertson said.
“Adelaide is very proud of its heritage and we continue to be part of that history as we take over the operation of the trams and many buses.
“With that comes a responsibility and we will be working hard on making every journey a safer, reliable, clean and enjoyable one for our customers.”
NEW ERA: The first tram to operate under the Torrens Connect banner. Pictured is UGL Rail Operations Manager Matt Baynie, Tram Operator David King, Torrens Connect General Manager Magda Robertson and Tram Operator Jason Fawcett.
Ms Robertson admitted to being quite emotional as the first tram hit the tracks under the Torrens Connect banner. It was the result of many weeks of work and a commitment to make the transition a smooth one for our customers and people.
“Our people and our customers are at the core of everything we do,” Ms Robertson said.
“Today was as much about our Torrens Connect team and their efforts to make this happen and move forward.
“I feel like it is going to be a good transition with great support and many opportunities going forward for our people to make this company great.
“I want our people to wear our uniform with pride and for our customers to embrace what we are going to bring them.”
Torrens Connect is contracted by the South Australian Government to operate Adelaide trams and buses. It is a partnership between Transit Systems, UGL and the John Holland Group.